Primary Tutors


    Primary  Home Tutors

    primary home tutors play an important role in nurturing students at this very initial level. When we talk about primary or junior level tutoring, we usually mean all subject tutoring from class 1 to class 8. This is probably the most important part of a student’s academic life. This is the time when we can help them build a strong academic foundation and avoid future problems.

    Tutor’s Qualification our Home Tutors working in this segment are graduates with some sort of teacher training like  J.B.T, P.T.T,  B.Ed, They all are experienced and experts in their respective fields. They provide the students with extra help in their education. They help the students by teaching them various methods to study. If they see that the students are finding it difficult to learn through one method, they will teach them in a different innovative way. Once they see that a student is comfortable in a method, the tutor will use the same methodology throughout. They pay special attention to the students; they coordinate with the school teachers and the parents. If they see that the students are not learning because of any reason, they report it to the parents and make a pool with them to solve the students’ problem. Usually,  tutors could teach the child all the subjects at this level or they could teach them only the subject in which they are having a problem

    Duties and Responsibilities of primary home tutors: Our home tutors help the students in whatever subject they are having difficulty with by following ways:

    Every student has a different learning pattern, some learn through observations, some through visuals, some by reading or writing while some are auditory learners. Our primary tutors help students by recognizing their learning pattern

     They devise new methods of teaching if the child is having trouble learning through one method. Primary home tutors try many methods to students. Once they find a suitable method for the student, they use it through.

    They are in contact with the parents of the child, and they share information about the student.

    The tutors have excellent communication skills, and they all are well aware of modern pedagogy so that they can understand the requirement for all students.

    Most importantly, the tutors are well-versed in the curriculum. Our home tutors, with the help of parents, ensure that the students improve their grades as this is their most important task.

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