Accounts Tuition Classes

Accounts Tuition Classes help and support students in class 11-12 exams. HTSD can provide the best accounts for home tutors near you. Accounts Tuition Classes play an important role in securing a student’s academic life. 

  • Accounts is a very important subject in classes 11-12. It’s an integral part of the commerce stream. Accounts Tuition near me advises students to make a proper study plan for the accounts board exam. With strong and well-defined planning, students can score maximum marks and finish their papers within the given time.
  • Tutors advise that students mention the correct formula when solving numerical problems. Numerical problems are a bit difficult and require more time and practice. This work can be easily done with the help of accounts tuition near me.
  • Students can clear their concepts thoroughly with our tutor to secure full marks in accounts. All accounts formulas should be written on a separate sheet and practiced repeatedly.

img src<"accounts syllabus.png"alt="accounts syllabus"

  • The above table shows the syllabus break-up and paper pattern. Accounts home tutors help students prepare accordingly.
  • The way you present your work is vital to scoring full marks. Accounts home tutors make students practice many extra numerical questions.
  • Our tutors focus on using advanced technology in their teaching. They use PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, images, and videos to clarify difficult concepts.
  • Account home tutors help solve hot questions, especially T.S Grewal’s double-entry bookkeeping, Richa Makkar’s, and Rajesh Goel’s book questions.
  • Home tutors ensure quick and comprehensive revision of the whole syllabus. That helps a lot to secure marks.
  • Our tutors do cumulative testing. First, they take chapter-end tests after completing one chapter, unit tests after completing three chapters, half syllabus tests, and finally, full-length tests.
  • With the help of parents, our home tutors ensure that every student writes at least ten full-length tests. Our home tutors will check all these papers.

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